Are you ready to laugh at my cat’s humiliation? I don’t know how poor Oliver puts up with me ?
Ever since we adopted our sweet, skittish orange tabby Oliver two years ago, I’ve wanted to dress him up as a lion for Halloween. I put it off for the last two years because he’s definitely not the type to indulge in my crazy cat lady antics, but I finally decided to make him this simple DIY lion mane cat costume using a basic cat collar and fur lining. It’s actually incredibly easy to make and only takes 10 minutes and a few simple supplies. I was a little bummed I couldn’t find a more orangey colored fur, but ultimately I still liked how it came out as a simple Halloween costume.
As you might expect, he hated it…but Andrew and I had fun attempting to take his photo. At the same time, we equally tortured our other cat, Penny, with a witch hat I bought. I promise we’re not like this all the time, haha! Regardless of the costume, Oliver does not enjoy wearing a collar so this wasn’t an easy project.
- Cat collar, adjusted to size
- Faux fur trim, about 8 inches
- Fabric glue
- Scissors
How to:
- Adjust the collar to fit your cat first and cut off the bell if desired
- Measure and cut the fur trim to fit the length of the collar
- Glue the non-fur edges of the lining tightly around the collar and let dry
- Once dry, put the collar on your cat and fluff up the fur a bit
It’s a fun and easy way to get your pet to participate in Halloween! I didn’t make him wear the lion mane costume for very long, but hopefully your cat is better at wearing costumes than me.
Happy Halloween!
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