Back in July, Andrew and I decided to take a little vacation for ourselves (a rare occurrence), and we spent a long weekend in C[...]
Back in July, Andrew and I decided to take a little vacation for ourselves (a rare occurrence), and we spent a long weekend in C[...]
Does it ever get better than cookie dough you don't have to worry about getting sick eating? Not that it ever stopped me...I used[...]
While everyone is over the moon for pumpkin this season, I'm all about APPLE. I mean, pumpkin is fine too, but apple is what I'[...]
For the first time, we're having a Halloween party this year! This will be the real test of how many people we can cram into our[...]
It's that time of year! Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays to decorate for, and this year we're having a Halloween pa[...]
I'm not really sure I can pinpoint when hashtags took over the world, but I still remember the days where it was just a pound&[...]
I'm officially giving in to fall! It's hard, but I'm ready for cooler weather, sweaters, baked goods and the holidays. Even though[...]
When in doubt, add sprinkles. Should I make that the new name of my blog? I actually kind of like it...anyway, today's r[...]
I've been on a cake hiatus while the weather cools down, and finally I got so fed up with the hot weather that I just DID IT. I bak[...]
I'm in denial about this whole "summer is almost over" thing. It's not over. It can't be over. Summer needs to stay a little bit[...]