Happy Tuesday! I’m excited to welcome back Marianela of Love Vividly with an adorable Christmas DIY!
Our place is officially decked out for the holidays and I couldn’t be anymore excited for all of the festivities! There’s just something about this time of the year that always puts me in the best mood!
This year, we got an even bigger tree than last year, and found ourselves needing to purchase a few more ornaments to cover up some spots. This got me thinking, why not make my own cute little ornament that I’d be super proud of to hang up on your tree?! I knew that Michaels had all of the goods to supply me with this DIY flamingo snow globe ornament, and they didn’t disappoint. Not only is this a fun ornament to make at home, but it can make for an adorable gift to a flamingo lover in your life too!
- Plastic craft ornament
- Miniature flamingo figurine
- Mini white pom-poms
- Cellophane glitter (found here)
- Super glue
- Ribbon
Step 1: Glue the flamingo inside the bottom of the ornament. Let dry. Tip: My fingers were not long enough to place the flamingo all the way inside the ornament so I used a hook (like the one’s you use to hang your ornaments) and fed it through until it reached the bottom. It worked like a charm.
Step 2: Pour mini pom-poms and cellophane glitter into ornament.
Step 3: Cut and feed your ribbon through the top of the ornament and tie a knot at the end.
Step 4: Voilà! Hang your adorable little flamingo snow globe ornament onto your tree, or wrap it up and gift it to a friend!
I couldn’t get over how cute this ornament was! We currently have it hanging front and center on our tree! What do you guys think? Would you put a flamingo in there too? I also found some cute gnomes at the craft store that would be another perfect option!
Marianela Mayhew is the lifestyle blogger behind Love Vividly. As a graphic designer and DIY crafter, she’s always coming up with something new and fun to share. To find more creative DIY projects, visit lovevividly.com.
What is the size of the opening for the ornaments that you used?
Holly Wade
AprilThese are standard sized craft ornaments so the opening is quite small
Where did you get the velvet ribbon?
Holly Wade
TrishaNot sure about this exact one, but I saw a very similar ribbon at Michaels recently. I hope that helps!
Holly WadeThank you!
Hi! This is gorgeous! Where did you get the flamingos?
Holly Wade
TrishaThanks Trisha! I believe these came from Amazon. Check for terrarium/fairy garden figurines.
Holly WadeGreat! Thank you!