It’s almost Easter! This Easter will be the first chance I’ll have to meet my new niece, so needless to say, I’m incredibly excited! This year will also be the first time that my family will meet my boyfriend’s mom and stepdad, so after four years, it’s a pretty big deal. Basically, we have a lot to look forward to this Easter and my mom puts together an amazing brunch every year with an Easter egg hunt for my nieces and their friends, so it’s always a fun holiday to be home with my family.
Since Easter immediately makes me think of Peeps, I made you guys this giant Peeps pillow!
By giant, I mean it’s about 20 inches tall, which is a pretty large pillow. It’s an easy way to decorate for Easter that is extra soft and comfortable to cuddle with. I was really happy with how this project came together because I’m not really a whiz with a sewing machine, but I think it looks pretty darn good!
I made a HUGE mess with this soft plush fabric, but it was fun to make nonetheless. Considering most of my sewing projects result in me having to rip out seams and start over, I’m pretty darn proud of this one, ha!
Time: 1 hour
- 1 yard soft fabric
- Pillow stuffing
- Black felt
- Scissors
- Fabric glue
- Pins
- White or matching thread
- Hand stitching needle
- Sewing machine
Step 1: Fold the fabric in half and lay flat.
Step 2: Either freehand drawing the Peeps shape on the fabric with a marker or create a template out of a large piece of fabric (see my example above). Cut out of the folded fabric so that you have two equal sized pieces.
Note, this type of fabric is really messy to cut, so you may want to keep a vacuum handy!
Step 3: While the fabric is folded, cut 4-inch strips leading to the folded edge so create two very long strips of fabric.
Step 4: Sew the two strips together to make one continuous piece.
Step 5: Lay one bunny shaped piece with the fluffier side (front side) facing up. Starting in between the bunny’s ears, lay the long strip of fabric front side down and pin the edges of the fabric together. Repeat pinning all the way around the shape, pinching fabric as needed around corners.
Step 6: Sew around all pinned edges, back stitching at each end. Trim excess thread. Now you should have one bunny shaped piece with a border all the way around it.
Step 7: Repeat the above process with the opposite bunny shaped piece, sewing all the way around the shape so that only the space between the bunny’s ears is left open.
Step 8: Carefully turn the fabric right side out through the hole between the ears.
Step 9: Stuff pillow filling through the opening, pushing it to the bottom and molding the pillow with your hands to achieve the correct shape. Continue stuffing until very full.
Step 10: Thread a hand stitching needle with thread and stitch the opening between the ears closed using an invisible stitch. If you do not know how to make an invisible stitch, simply make the stitch small because the fabric type will hide the stitch easily.
Step 11: Cut three equal sized circles out of black felt that are about 1 inch wide. Use the fabric glue to glue eyes and a nose onto the Peep’s face.
Now your pillow is ready to display, lay on, whatever you fancy! It makes a fun gift for kids (in fact, I’ll probably give mine to my niece this Easter) or just for throwing on the couch to feel festive for spring. As a pillow hoarder, I’m perfect happy to have one more pillow on the couch!