Today is an exciting day here at Club Crafted HQ (aka my apartment)…today my first video course is live on Skillshare! Now you can take my course Starting a Creative Business: The DIY Approach when you join Skillshare’s student audience of more than three million members. Your monthly membership earns you access to all of the premium content available on Skillshare, including mine! So what is the “DIY approach” to starting a creative business? Well, it’s how you can start your creative business on your own with minimal funds. Since not all of us can afford to pay professionals to do some of the heavy lifting, like designing a logo for us or building our first websites, I walk through how you can do some of these tasks yourself to get your business off the ground.
Overall, the course is about 20 minutes long and is split into multiple lessons on various topics. I’m confident that by the end of my course, students will have an understanding of what it takes to get started. After all, starting your new endeavor is the hardest part, so I hope that my tips will make it easier for aspiring business owners to dive in and make their dreams a reality. I’m doing it and you can too!
Here’s a preview of what to expect from the course. See the full description here.
Click here to learn more and join Skillshare to receive your first month of membership for free, so you can learn about a wide range of topics. I hope to create more e-courses like this to help creatives and small business owners learn new techniques and grow their brands. What topics would you like to learn about?
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