Did you and your friends ever ask a Magic 8 Ball important life questions? And did you get seemingly useless responses like “try again later?” Well, I can tell you exactly what this Magic 8 Ball is saying…it says EAT ME! This circular Magic 8 Ball cake is extra chocolatey, and I personally find that chocolate is a good answer to many haunting questions one might ask a Magic 8 Ball. Making 3D circular cakes isn’t as difficult as you’d think, and this particular cake has only a few key decorations to create!
I’m going to tell you something that might make you gasp…I don’t normally like chocolate frosting. I know, it’s crazy, but I’m just a vanilla cake with vanilla frosting kind of girl. That being said, I would choose this dark chocolate cake and fudgy chocolate frosting over most things. It’s the best and most moist chocolate cake that I have had the pleasure of making, and the frosting is smooth and chocolatey without tasting overly artificial, since that is my complaint about many other chocolate frostings.
Scroll down for the full recipe card!
I may not need a Magic 8 Ball to answer my questions (I have a Google Home, after all!) but I’m sure there is chocolate cake in my future