Happy Friday, friends! It’s week three of COVID-19 quarantine for most of us, so if you’re in the “it’s 9am and I just want a cocktail” phase, I’ve got you covered. Try one of these margarita lollipops! Mixed with tequila, lime zest and orange extract, the boozy lollipops are dipped in rock salt to give them a real margarita-like finish. No one is judging you in quarantine, I promise. Have one any time of the day! They really do blend all of the classic margarita flavors into one easy lollipop recipe. Here’s how to make them at home!
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Candy is not difficult to make at home – it’s just about temperature. Make sure you have a candy thermometer on hand if you want to make these margarita lollipops. The most important aspect of making hard candy is reaching the “hard crack” stage. That means you’ll want to boil the candy until the exact right time. I like the kind that clips to the pot and has labels for “hard crack” and other candy stages.
Keep scrolling for the full recipe card for these margarita lollipops! 👇🏼

Supplies to Make Lollipops
If you’ve never made homemade candy or lollipops before, here are the basic candy making supplies you’ll need:
Note, this margarita lollipops recipe fills TWO lollipop molds with a little leftover. For best results, you want to pour all of the candy at the same time, or you risk caramelizing the candy if you try to reheat it.
Andrew and I debated what would be the best way to incorporate salt into the recipe. I mean, what even IS a margarita without the salt?! I tested sprinkling salt in the mold before pouring the candy and dipped them afterward. Ultimately, the dipping method made them look and taste more like margarita lollipops!

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Margarita Lollipops
For Full Batch:
- 3 cups granulated sugar
- 3/4 cup water
- 1/2 cup corn syrup
- 1/4 cup tequila
- 1/2 tsp orange oil flavoring
- 1 tbsp lime zest
- lime juice optional for topping
- rock salt optional for topping
For Half Batch:
- 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
- 6 tbsp water
- 1/4 cup corn syrup
- 2 tbsp tequila
- 1/4 tsp orange oil flavoring
- 1 1/2 tsp lime zest
- lime juice optional for topping
- rock salt optional for topping
- Combine the sugar, water and corn syrup in a heavy bottom saucepan over medium heat
- Bring to a boil and do not stir, watching as the temperature reaches about 310 degrees F (or hard crack stage)
- In a mixing cup, mix together the tequila, lime zest and orange flavoring
- Once it reaches 310 degrees, pour in the tequila mixture (be careful! It bubbles and sears) and stir until combined
- Return to medium heat until it reached 310 degrees again
- Add lollipop sticks to the molds
- Very carefully pour the hot candy mixture into the lollipop molds until it reaches the tops of the cavities and covers the sticks
- Let the lollipops cool at least 15 minutes until you can easily remove them from the molds
- Dip the edge of the hardened margarita lollipops in lime juice, then dip in rock salt if desired