Confession time: I never got into Snapchat. *gasp*
I know, I know, many people find it appalling. Honestly guys, I was overwhelmed enough with the blog and social media without adding a new one to the mix, so I was SO happy when Instagram came out with Stories. While many people were stressing about yet another platform, I was just thrilled that I could get that Snapchat-like feature in a platform I was already using. Now that it’s been out for a few months, I wanted to share a few of my favorite Instagram Story accounts to follow. That means I’m specifically taking about their Stories, but let’s be honest, their Instagram feeds are pretty badass too, but there are a hundred and one blog posts out there about bloggers’ favorite feeds, and I love the behind-the-scenes stuff.
Now Instagram Stories has its moment in the spotlight! You probably recognize many of these accounts for their gorgeous, inspiring feeds, but I highly recommend adding their Stories to your must-watch list every day to see the shenanigans that go on behind-the-scenes. I make sure to check these accounts every day, and they never disappoint!
1. Damask Love – I’ve followed Amber’s blog Damask Love for years and she is one badass crafter, but I live for her Insta Stories. She has such a fun personality and is not afraid to be 100% honest, and I love seeing that side of the bloggers I look up to.
2. Matt Crump – In addition to having the most hilarious Instagram photo captions, Matt’s “The Late Night Matt Crump Show” is one of my favorite things to watch, especially when it involves photographing strange things at odd hours or wearing a horse mask. Seriously, someone get this guy his own reality show?
3. Color Me Courtney – I don’t follow a lot of fashion influencers because, let’s face it, I’m not fashionable and fashion isn’t my niche, but Courtney is super inspiring. She posts really detailed Stories about her life, her adorable dog Waffles and is incredibly caring of her followers. Naturally, my favorite Stories include Waffles!
4. Jeff Mindell – Jeff was one of the only accounts I followed on Snapchat, and I was really happy when he started spending more time on Stories. Not only do I adore his wife’s blog Studio DIY, but he’s just a cool dude and he uses his account to build a community as well as show off his new baby Arlo.
5. Daily Disco – I actually had the pleasure of meeting Abbey at Alt Summit this year, and she truly seems like the same person as who you see in her Stories, which isn’t the case with everyone. As I’m writing this, I just watched a video of her dancing around in one of her custom embroidered denim jackets, so that’s the kind of fun stuff you’ll see on Stories.
6. The House that Lars Built – If you like to hear random stories, watch some funky dancing and truly follow someone’s day, Brittany’s account is for you. She posts really detailed Stories and shares so many goofy behind-the-scenes videos and stories that remind you who the real person is behind the incredible blog.
I watch a TON of Instagram Stories, so these are just a handful of the accounts I watch daily. I generally have about 15 favs that I watch every day, usually as part of my morning routine.
Oh, and you can follow my Instagram Stories too, but you probably need to like cats because that’s 80% of what I post/talk about ?