Welp, Mother’s Day creeped up on us, so I wanted to sneak in this cute floral printable Mother’s Day card coloring page to give to the mamas in your life this weekend! Adulting coloring books are still a cult favorite, so we designed this coloring page card to give it a little handmade touch. Gotta keep the “crafted” in Club Crafted after all! Grab your colored pencils and enjoy a quick de-stressing by coloring in your mom’s Mother’s Day card. Mom, if you’re reading this, sorry in advance for ruining the surprise 😂
Click “read more” to download the printable Mother’s Day card coloring page!

Card design by Maddison Amata
What are you doing for Mother’s Day?! I’ll be visiting my family in San Diego to celebrate with my mom, grandma, sister and aunt. Oh, and we’re going to go wedding dress shopping on Saturday. Eek!
Here’s how to print and make your own Mother’s Day card!
- Printable Mother’s Day card coloring page
- White cardstock paper
- Paper trimmer
- Coloring pencils
Step 1: Print out the above coloring page on a piece of cardstock paper.
Step 2: Cut along the very pale outside lines (approximately 6 in x 8 in).
Step 3: Color in the floral Mother’s Day card design however you’d like!
Step 4: Fold along the middle of the card and write your note inside.

If you want to add another crafty element to your Mother’s Day card, cut it into a 4 x 6 piece instead of folding in half. Then glue it to a piece of colored cardstock, cut it slightly larger than the coloring page and turn THAT into the folded card.
Put your own spin on it, and I’m sure any mama in your life will love it! Have a happy Mother’s Day!